Wheelie Bikes

How To Wheelie On A Road Bike | 7 Easy Steps To Follow!

Do you want to be a successful biker and a stuntman? You can be a successful stuntman and perform a good wheelie by learning how to wheelie on a road bike. Be passionate to attain success.

Short Answer

How to wheelie on a road bike? All you need is to be focused and practice the seven easy steps; it also requires the safety measures and tips to follow and the follow-up of country rules and regulations. Never risk your safety.

You will have the information in this article to perform a successful wheelie: tips, safety measures, best places to perform a wheelie, and much more. If people are looking up to you, set a good example for them. 

How to Wheelie On a Road Bike?

You need a few things to prepare yourself to learn how to wheelie on a road bike. Though it is fun, you need a few skills, balancing, and practice to do it correctly. Also, know that it is illegal not to cross the boundary before performing or even practicing in some places.

What Do You Need to Wheelie On a Road Bike?

What Do You Need to Wheelie On a Road Bike

Following are the requirements you may need to perform wheelie;

  • Suitable Road Bike

 Always choose the bike suitable according to your needs and riding style; tires, brakes, and frame should be strong enough to carry the load of the wheelie.

  • Wearing Helmet

 If you want to save yourself from a head injury, you need to wear a helmet because if you are a beginner, you will surely fail, and if you are an experienced rider, then I don’t have to tell you how important a helmet is.

  • Proper Gear

Proper gears other than helmets are gloves; pads (knee and elbow) help you to protect from serious injury if you fall.

  • Closed Path

If you are a beginner, you must be in a safe and controlled environment, like private parking lots, because public parking lots don’t allow you to perform a wheelie. Avoid any public areas.

  • Flat Road

The Roads are easy to move around and with no hurdles or traffic. It will be easy for you to perform a wheelie and keep control of your bike.

  • Avoid Tight Clothing

Besides safety gear, don’t wear tight clothes that become a hurdle to your freedom of movement. Also, wear tight clothes that may get in between your bike tires during riding or wheelie.

  • Carry Basic Bike Tools

Always carry the basic maintenance kit with you. No matter how polished and maintained your bike is. A machine can get disturbed. So save time and keep your kit with you.

7 Easy Steps to Wheelie on a Road Bike

7 Easy Steps to Wheelie on a Road Bike

Follow the simple seven basic steps to learn how to wheelie on a road bike;

  • Ensure Your Safety

Make sure your road bike brakes are in good condition along with the other basic components of the body; keeping the maintenance kit doesn’t mean there is no need to check the basics before riding and after the wheelie.

  • Initiate with The Low Gear

Starting with low speed or lower gear always works, and it is best from a safety point of view. Lower gear gives a maximum amount of power to allow you to pedal smoothly; no need to push hard. In this way, you can lift the road bike’s wheels easily

  • Shifting of Body Weight

To accelerate, initiate the procedure of the wheelie by slow pedaling; once you gain momentum, try to shift your body weight backward (upper body) and keep your arms relaxed firmly. To control, keep your feet on the pedals.

  • Start Lifting

Once you attain the momentum and get comfortable in it, try to initiate wheeling but quickly pull the handlebars and, at the same time, lean back—that’s where you start lifting the front wheel.

  • Maintain Your Bike

Maintain the balance and control of the bike. It is in your hands to do it wisely. You can do it with the help of rear brakes and your body weight; both help you maintain the wheelie’s height. If it is too high for you, don’t get panic by applying pressure on the rear brakes gently. The front wheel will come down.

  •  Control Your Pedal

You can control the pedal by pedaling during a wheelie to stay in your momentum and keep it on. But don’t hit the pedal too hard because the front wheel will come down quickly, and the balance will be out.

  • Landing

It’s time to come down; when ready, lower the bike’s front wheel by slowly releasing the rear brakes and leaning forward. Don’t panic, and don’t rush. Set a target to land smoothly.

Tips to Wheelie On a Road Bike

Tips to Wheelie On a Road Bike

After the easy and simple seven steps of wheelie, there are a few tips that you should know before starting wheelie, which is as follows:

  • Release Your Burden

To release your burden, lift the bike’s handlebars to move your center of gravity.

  • Pedals and The Handlebars

Pulling down the handlebars and pedal, go simultaneously and lean back your saddle to pull up the front end of the ground.

  • Less Use of Your Strength

Instead of using your strength, focus on shifting your body weight and the dominant foot hitting the pedal to lift the handlebars.

  • Focus On the Road

Don’t look at the lifted wheel of the bike; instead, focus on the road and try to escape any obstacle or hurdle that comes your way. Keep your arms outstretched from the handlebars to keep up the center of gravity at the back side of the wheel of the road bike.

  • Upright Position

Keep yourself upright and focus at a distant point with this lean forward.

  • Don’t Go Too Fast

Don’t pedal too fast; you can lose control of your bike.

  • Avoid Poor Landing

Spike your rear brake to keep the front end falling and give a smooth push to the rear brake, and then hit and release it slowly.

To avoid bad and poor landing, never push the brakes too hard and too depressed. The front wheel will suddenly come down.

  • Balance of The Road Bike

To maintain the balance of the road bike, steer the handlebars to the other side if you think you are losing control and the bike is falling on one side. And vice versa if your bike is falling on the other side.

  • Original Position

Please return the handlebars and your legs to the same position as at the start to avoid excessive compensation.

Is it possible to learn Wheelie On Road Bike in A Single Day?

The wheelie looks very simple, and I think an experienced rider can lift the wheelie in less than a half day because it isn’t only about raising the front wheel; you must have noticed that the lifting the wheelie steps comes later first, there are so many other techniques and steps you need to follow.

So the main key to a wheelie is to take your time, and interestingly, this is the most common mistake usually riders and beginners make. Because they might want to look cool or impressive, they lose momentum, the front wheel comes down quickly, or worse, they meet severe accidents.

 The correct method will take time to practice. No, you cannot learn how to wheelie on a road bike in a single day because lifting the front wheel is how you maintain and control the bike’s balance.

Best Places to Practice Wheelie

Following are the best places to practice wheelie on a road bike but remember to follow the laws and rules.

  • You can practice wheelie in a park or a parking lot which isn’t for the public because, in some areas, the general rules apply on the roads, and the same as for the public parks and parking lots, so it’s better to take permission from the owner and then practice on the grass.
  • You can also practice wheelie on a slope; it would be helpful if you are going in a hilly area.
  • Never practice wheelie on roads if there is no public around you. Some states have strict laws because you cannot harm yourself or anyone’s property.

Is Wheelie On a Road Bike Harder?

Performing a wheelie on a road bike is challenging, but nothing is impossible. If you are a passionate rider, you can achieve anything. Practice and patience are key to learning anything especially wheelie on a road bike.

It’s not about looking cool; I am sure you want to learn a skill to get fun for yourself; you need to be patient and consistent.  So nothing is hard when you learn it properly and carefully. Never risk your life.

Safety Tips to Perform Wheelie on a Road Bike

  • Take care of safety costumes and gear.
  • Practice in a controlled environment
  • Keep your focus on the road
  • Stay away from hurdles
  • Take care of your fellow riders
  • Let them know when you are about to perform a wheelie.


Which components Are Most likely to Damage the Road Bike?

The bars of the front wheels, suspension, and tires are likely to get damaged the most because they are the first few parts that bear the wheelie’s shock, especially when the front wheel gets down.
Then the frame of the road bike gets shocked. And if they keep doing it, they can be completely or severely damaged. Like a bike with good suspension and frame, good quality road bikes might reduce the damage.

How do land in the Best Possible Way?

Don’t push yourself forward and never hit the brakes hard enough to land; instead, you can land very smoothly and calmly to reduce the maximum impact on the front end of the road bike by shifting your weight equally and pushing the back brakes for a balanced and controlled landing.

Which are the Best Tires or Gears to Wheelie on a Road Bike?

As far as tires are concerned, thicker tires are easy to maintain balance while performing a wheelie. As for the gears, hardened gears aren’t recommendable because they will need more torque, whereas the lighter side of the gear is also not suitable because it is hard to control and balance them while wheelie.
Middle gear of the road bike while wheelie is the best position which isn’t too heavy or too light. You can lift the front wheel easily.


So, stunt men, a wheelie is dangerous, but it is also fun; learn it with proper safety gear and follow the rules and regulations of the country you are in. Don’t just learn the steps; also, ensure you know all the tips and tricks for a successful wheelie.

It is part of learning how to wheelie on a road bike; along with that, practice and patience is the key to learning control and balance of the wheelie, and if you see anyone, especially kids underage, performing them try to stop them and inspire them by following the steps wisely. You can do wheelie; it needs to be harder; all you need is to be confident and stay strong even if you fail. Because, in the end, it’s not the bike that matters the most. It’s you, the rider!

Yousaf Khan

Yousaf Khan is an experienced biker with over 10 years of riding experience. He has a passion for motorcycles and has traveled extensively on his bike, covering thousands of miles across various terrains. Yousaf is well-versed in different types of biking, including adventure riding, touring, and off-roading. He is an active member of several local and national motorcycle clubs, promoting safety and responsible riding. Yousaf's dedication to the biker community extends beyond his own riding, as he regularly shares his insights and experiences with fellow bikers around the world. When he's not on the road, Yousaf enjoys spending time with his family and sharing his knowledge through this blog.

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